Our bespoke 40+ course is designed specifically for mature students wishing to study with people of a similar age from across the globe. The course combines confidence building lessons with visits, activities and excursions in and around the beautiful Isle of Thanet.
- 2024 Dates: 14 April - 28 May
12 May - 26 May
2 June - 16 June
18 September - 22 SeptemberLessons per week: 20 Standard
(Each lesson is 45 minutes long)Levels: B1 Upwards
Not sure of your English level? Take our online English testParticipants Age: Mature adults only, 40+Maximum Class Size: 12Course Length: 2 weeks
Course can be extended depending upon individual student requirements.Location: English in Margate, Hawley Square - explore the local area2024 Price: £1000 2 weeksFees include training plus:
- All course material and resources
- In-house programme of Social Activities year-round
- Detailed end-of-course report
Designed specifically for mature students, classes will consist of 20 lessons (15 hours) per week, where you will be given the chance to study with students of a similar age to yourself on our exclusive 40+ course. You will also join our exciting, and tailor made, 40+ social programme that gives you the chance to immerse yourself in all of the amazing social, cultural and sporting activities that Thanet, and Kent, have to offer.
- 2024 Price: £1000 2 weeks
Fees include training plus:
- All course material and resources
- In-house programme of Social Activities year-round
- Detailed end-of-course report
Opening Hours
We are open from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday except on National Holidays. During opening hours, students are welcome to use all the school facilities, which include the social club and the table tennis room.
Calendar 2024
EiM is open from the 2nd of January to the 20th of December, but will be closed on the following National Holidays: the 29th of March and the 1st of April, the 6th and the 27th of May, the 26th of August, and from the 20th of December 2024 to the 13th of January 2025.
On national holidays there are no classes. Students have the option of joining a teacher-led excursion (transport not included) instead of classes. Any missed individual classes will be taught on another day. When the national holiday is on a Monday, students arriving will have their induction on the Tuesday. However, the above does not apply to our Christmas Break (from the 18th of December to the 8th of January), where no trips may be offered as the Centre will be fully closed.
First Day
The school opens at 9:00 a.m. Please arrive by 9.00 a.m. and go to Reception. Please bring your passport.
At 9.00 you will have an induction with one of our staff. That means we will give you some information about your class, your timetable, the social programme, and Margate and the surrounding area. We will also show you the school and its facilities.
At 9.30 a.m., you will join your class.
After lunch, at 2.00 p.m., there will be an hour-long walking tour of Margate, guided by a member of the school staff.
Academic Support
One of the key features of our Academic team is the degree of hands-on support offered to students from the moment they arrive until their departure. This is an ongoing process of communication with all students, including feedback questionnaires at various points during their stay. Students are also welcome to express their opinions to their classroom teacher, particularly if they have concerns over their placement and class level. In addition, fortnightly tests and a system of 1-to-1 tutorials enable us to assess and monitor the progress of all students, ensuring appropriate classroom provision.
With academic progress being so closely linked to a student’s personal circumstances, we have a strong system of pastoral care in place, based on care and confidentiality. During their stay, students can be sure of finding a sympathetic and helpful member of our Welfare team who will offer the appropriate advice and guidance, with the individual’s best interests in mind.
“I had a great time in the school! I enjoyed visiting Ramsgate and Canterbury and my favourite activity was the pub night. The staff were so friendly and kind. Thanks”
Terue, Japan“Everything about my stay was very good and I had the chance to visit Broadstairs, Ramsgate and Oxford. I love Margate!”
Olga, Lithuania“Thank you very much everybody for being open, helpful and very kind! I enjoyed my stay a alot and would like to come back next year”
Sabine, Germany“My teachers were very good teachers and my private classes were excellent. I chose the school because it is by the sea and on the whole I love the school and Margate”
Kristi, Norway“I chose this school because I was in other places in the UK and I think this is the best. Thanks to everyone because my stay has been fantastic”
Julian, Spain -
Working Lunch
Price: £50 per dayLevels: A2 to C1Price to add to any course. In the business world it is often as important to know how to use language in a social situation as it is in the office. We offer a bistro lunch with a teacher. Conversation can focus around general or business situations. You can add any number of working lunches to any course, from one during your stay to one each day. This lunch may also be shared with one or two other students.
Linguaskill (Business Language Test)
Dates: Any timeLevels: A2 to C1Price:
Reading and Listening Test: £80
Speaking Test: £90
Writing Test: £90Transfer Service
London Airports - (Gatwick, Stansted, City) £160 each wayLondon Airport - (Heathrow) £170 each wayChannel Ports - (Dover, Folkestone) £90 each wayEurostar Stations - (St Pancras International) £150 each way -