Equal Opportunities Policy

Equal opportunities and a safe working environment

The policy of English in Margate is to ensure that no unlawful discrimination occurs, either directly or indirectly, against any person on the grounds of age, gender, gender reassignment, colour, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, race, religion, religious beliefs, ethnic or national origin, and that all employees and clients receive fair treatment and equal opportunities at work and are not subjected to prejudicial practice as a result of the Company’s activities. This will ensure equality of opportunity for all potential employees, contractors and customers. Student and staff safety and well-being.
We live in a multi-national, multi-cultural, multi-religious environment. We also live in a school community where our different cultural backgrounds mean there is the possibility of misunderstandings.
Every student and member of staff has the right and the expectation to come to school to work and study and to speak English without fear of being hurt, offended or intimidated.
Any act of bullying, physical or verbal, or any act of harassment or intimidation against another student or member of staff will be dealt with very seriously.
Any complaint against another student, a member of the host family or against a member of staff will be investigated in confidence and treated very seriously.
Your happiness, safety and security are our first priority.

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