As the only language school in Margate, we have the advantage of being able to select the very best homestay and locations for our school.
We recognise that, whatever accommodation you choose, it is a vital part of your happiness and language-learning experience.
Homestay is the most popular option, and our hosts are carefully chosen for their genuine, warm hospitality as well as the delightful homes that they live in.
We have established an excellent reputation for our top-quality homestay, built up over many years, with a high percentage of repeat bookings and referrals.
We receive consistently outstanding feedback from our students.
Students and hosts keep in touch long after they have left, and often meet again in this country or abroad.
We know all our hosts personally and the majority have been a part of our business for many years.
Our accommodation manager has a wealth of knowledge to share with you, and she will support you throughout your time at EIM.
So, live like a local and become part of a “family” during your time in Margate, it really is the best way to get the full English experience.